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New Autumn Congress Announced

We are pleased to announce that the Autumn Overseas Congress will take place from 15-22 October, in Northern Italy at the Pace Park Hotel Bolognese, a historic 19th century villa that has been...

March Robot Ladder Competitions

March's robot ladder competitions, have now concluded. In the 12-board ladder for March, Jeremy Baker won the top prize of £30 with an average score of 70.16% over six games. Chris Hill was...

Donde & Hoff win Portland Pairs

Bernard Donde & Natalie Hoff ( pictured) have won the Portland Pairs. This Mixed Pairs competition took place this weekend and was played online via RealBridge. Bernard & Natalie finished with a...

Richard Bowdery

We are sad to learn of the death of well known bridge player Richard Bowdery. He won both the The Hubert Phillips Bowl and the Tollemache Cup. We extend our sympathy to Richard's family and...

New: World Bridge Tour

In 2019, the WBF launched the annual " World Bridge Tour", consisting of face-to-face international events and culminating in a Tour Final among the top ranked partnerships. Unfortunately, due to...