April 2020

EBED book and product orders

During the C19 crisis and while the Bridge Warehouse remains closed, EBED will be selling all EBED publications including Bridge for All books directly to our teachers and students in order to...

EBED Communication on Tutorials

Open invitation to all Bridge Teachers, Clubs & County Associations English Bridge Education & Development (EBED) are working hard to provide fast support and learning to the whole bridge...

A Word from the Chairman

It has been pointed out to me that I have been silent on matters which concern us all for a while, and that it’s time for what has facetiously been referred to internally as “another sermon from...

Bridge and the impact of Covid-19

A new bridge research project as part of the Bridge: A MindSport for All work, is looking for participants to share their experience of bridge in this time of Covid-19.

Lockdown League won by Mike Bell's Team

The new Lockdown League Season One has been won by the team of Mike Bell, Sarah Bell, Michael Byrne, Kieran Dyke, Ben Norton and Nicola Smith. They won 9 of their 13 matches, and finished with an...

Welcome New Board Member Kiat Huang

The EBU Board is delighted to announce that it has co-opted Kiat Huang to join its number. Kiat's responsibilities will include IT. He is also a member of the Midland Counties Working Group and a...

Kiat Huang

Hello and thanks for taking the time to read my bio! Since retiring from a working life in the online technology sector, my life goals have shifted to make a difference in the world bridge community including country and county. I'm honoured to join and work with the Board of the EBU and together with EBU staff to help provide the best possible products and services to Bridge players, clubs and counties in the country.