Peter Jordan

We are sad to announce the death of former staff member, Peter Jordan on May 12th. Peter came to the EBU on his retirement from his family business and stayed for the best part of 20 years, not only working in the Tournament Department but also acting as Congress Manager for the Summer Meetings and all our overseas congresses. As such he was one of the best-known faces of the EBU and was universally liked and respected for his kindness, warmth and efficiency.

Ian Payn, Chair of the EBU said "Peter was the heart and soul of the Tournament Department. It didn't matter who rang up - he knew who they were and most likely what event they wanted to enquire about. His service on the Tournament Committee was invaluable, as he knew more than anyone what made various events work, and what didn't. On retirement he was keenly missed, and we have lost a loyal and dedicated colleague, and a friend."

In light of the current situation, Peter's family have created an online memorial page which you can visit, and leave a message on if you would like to. They have also set up a Just Giving page in Peter's name. They have already had so many lovely flowers there isn't much room for many more so if you would like to make a small donation instead that would be lovely. Donations will be split evenly between Chiltern Air Ambulance Trust and the Towersey Playing Fields Fund.

May 13, 2020