Table of Contents

What's New with EBUScore

To upgrade to the latest version, follow the same route through 'My EBU' as if downloading for the first time.

Version 1.2.13 (Swiss Pairs) & Version 1.2.15 (Swiss Teams)

released 22 May 2024

Version 1.2.24 (Pairs only)

released 26 April 2024

Version 1.2.20 (Pairs only)

released 23 November 2023

Version 1.2.20 (Pairs only) contains the following bug fixes:

Version 1.2.11 (All programs excluding Pairs)

released 24 March 2023

Version 1.2.11 contains the following changes:

Version 1.2.17 (Pairs only)

released 6 March 2023

Version 1.2.17 (Pairs only) contains the following changes:

Version 1.2.12 (Pairs only)

released 26th April 2022

Version 1.2.12 (Pairs only) contains the following changes:

Version 1.2.6

released 23rd October 2019

Version 1.2.6 contains the following changes:

Version 1.2.5

released 4th September 2019

Version 1.2.5 contains the following changes:

Version 1.2.4

released 27th August 2019

Version 1.2.4 contains the following changes:

Version 1.2.3

released 22nd August 2019

Version 1.2.3 contains the following changes:

Version 1.2.2

released 30th July 2019

Version 1.2.2 contains the following changes:

Version 1.2.1

released 21st May 2019

Version 1.2.1 includes many new features, including:

However, because of the nature of the development of this release, there may be some features of version 1.1.10 that do not appear in 1.2.1. These include

These should be incorporated as soon as possible. If you have any further feedback on any missing features or other anomalies, please contact
Before you upgrade to 1.2.1, you might consider retaining a copy of 1.1.10, e.g. by installing 1.2.1 into a different folder.

Version 1.1.10

released 13th March 2019

Retention of PIDs when uploading/downloading player database to/from Bridgewebs.

Code 08 added to UMS codes.
NGS only: This is used for events for which payment and Master Points are processed independently, such as leagues.

A warning now appears in some situations when the UMS code selected appears inconsistent with the Master Point settings.
(NB the UMS code is principally a Payment code, not a Master Point code. Although the two may be related, you need to select those independently - don't assume, for example, that if you select UMS code 50, Master Points settings will automatically be set to be “Blue Points”)

Bug Correction: Too many movements in PSUserMovements.txt caused error. Error corrected

Version 1.1.9

released 26th July 2018

Bug Correction:
EBUScore hangs when checking Bridgewebs for pre-uploaded events, when there is a gap in event numbers.
Error in printing checkslips when there is both a missing pair and an artificial adjustment.
Error in calculating split / weighted scores in PaB/Hybrid scoring.

Introduction of temporary UMS code 90, for use only in the August 2018 EBU Summer Festival.

Version 1.1.8

released 15th March 2018

Bridgemate Control Software:
Compatibility with BCS version 3.6.9 ensured.
Option added to enable BMs to “verify lead card against hand records”

Options to apply either a 50% handicap (as previously used by PairsScorer & EBUScore) or 100%.

EBU Master Point Ranks:
Distinction recognised between genuinely “unranked” players, and players with ranks withheld, or with MP records held by other NBOs.
For purposes of stratification or handicaps, where EBUScore is unable to determine the rank of a player, such a player will not receive any potential benefit.

Error exiting “Irregular Movement” screen corrected.
Error overwriting pair numbers in Scoresheets (indirectly caused by too many events in the Event File).

Version 1.1.7

released 1st November 2017

(error corrections on 6th & 16th November)

Revised way of recording NGS exemptions: Either or both players in a partnership can now be exempted (and only one pair can be eligible for exemption)

Where a session has been pre-created, or if a session has already been uploaded for the same date, there is now an option to over-write existing session, or to upload as a new event.
There is now a facility during a session to upload “Live Ranks” to BridgeWebs.

Recognition of new ranks (Star Grand Masters)
NB previous versions of EBUScore may not cope well with “stratification” when players of these ranks are involved.

Possible correction of error with BridgePad names entry.

Error corrected when creating SwissTeams ClubPrint file in HTM format.

Version 1.1.6

released 30th June 2017

New source of EBU membership database. This database is updated daily.
(Old source will still be updated on a less frequent basis, so that old versions of EBUSCore will continue to work)

Improvement on reporting of Swiss Teams triples for Pianola
Correction of number of competing pairs in XML file for Pianola
Renaming of text file reporting creation of XML file, to avoid confusion.

ArcScorer added to the list of alternative Wireless units.

Swiss: Potential Match adjustments extended when a 30-0 VP Scale selected.

Version 1.1.5

released 31st March 2017

Reintroduction of UMS code 11
(novice events, not eligible for UMS exemption. No Master Points, no NGS)

Relocation of WBU membership database.

Bugs corrected:
Error message re-writing names to BCS

Amendment of EBU Default Bridgemate settings

Scoring method for new Teams events always defaults to IMPs (avoids annoying message when previous event was To8)

Improved (but not perfect) analysis of names typed with middle initials, etc. (e.g. Arthur C Doyle; Arthur Conan Doyle, etc.)

Version 1.1.4

released 1st December 2016

Creation of EBU UMS files:

Bugs fixed:

Version 1.1.3

released 11th July 2016

Bugs fixed:

Version 1.1.2

released 25th November 2015; re-released 1st December with minor fixes.
  1. Corrected implementation of the '70%' rule (effective 1st January 2016), with a warning in movement setup. (Pairs and Individual only)
  2. Downloading EBU Member Database. Previously this automatically appended the WBU Database. This has now been reversed. However, there is a tickbox (unlabelled) next to the download button; if ticked, then the WBU database will be appended.
  3. 'Properties' screen. When 'set default strat levels' is clicked, you have the option to copy the calculated levels to the 'category' flags.
  4. Bridgewebs (Teams only): You can now upload a USEBIO file to Bridgewebs for Teams events. The USEBIO file carries more information about player line-ups, and 'Cross-IMP' scores. This is still a work in progress, but should be an improvement on the existing 'csv' file upload, especially in the case of teams-of-eight events, and 'pivot' teams.

Bugs fixed:

Version 1.1.1

Released 1st October 2015

The launch version of EBUScore is almost identical in functionality to the Jeff Smith Suite.
There are obvious 'cosmetic' changes: displaying 'EBUScore' as the name of the product, etc.
Other changes are of little relevance to most users. Most relate to increased capacity, e.g.:

  1. Up to 30 tables allowed in a single section (of 'normal' Pairs or Teams).
  2. Boards may be numbered up to 60.
  3. Longer names permitted.

These, and other internal changes, have meant that EBUScore Data files are incompatible with those of the equivalent Jeff Smith files. Please see here for more information.

Unsurprisingly, some of these internal changes have led to unforeseen bugs creeping in. We hope that these have mostly been resolved in the following release, 1.1.2.

Coming Soon