X-IMPs/comparisons are capped at 34 IMPs per 9-board match. The scores below have been adjusted where necessary to put this into effect and to include weighted rulings.
      Session 1 Session 2 Session 3 Session 4 Session 5 Overall
Rank     XIMP Bds /cmprsn XIMP Bds /cmprsn XIMP Bds /cmprsn XIMP Bds /cmprsn XIMP Bds /cmprsn XIMP Bds /cmprsn
1 Helen Erichsen & Fiona Brown 349 36 58.17 86.7 27 14.45 259 27 43.17 169 27 28.17 143 18 23.83 1006.7 135 167.78
2 Sally Brock & Nathalie Shashou 128 36 21.33 260.4 27 43.40 102 27 17.00 183 27 30.50 -125 18 -20.83 548.4 135 91.40
3 Diana Nettleton & Nevena Senior 123 36 20.50 28.5 27 4.75 -19 27 -3.17 185 27 30.83 103 18 17.17 420.5 135 70.08
4 Christine Jepson & Catherine Curtis 205 36 34.17 319.3 27 53.22 6 27 1.00 -174 27 -29.00 47 18 7.83 403.3 135 67.22
5 Ewa Wieczorek & Elizabeth Gahan -233 36 -38.83 171.8 27 28.63 121 27 20.17 37 27 6.17 79 18 13.17 175.8 135 29.30
6 Sarah Bell & Nicola Smith 162 36 27.00 283.8 27 47.30 -95 27 -15.83 -90 27 -15.00 -120 18 -20.00 140.8 135 23.47
7 Siyu Ren & Hanna Tuus 39 36 6.50 25.6 27 4.27 -33 27 -5.50 24 27 4.00 67 18 11.17 122.6 135 20.43
8 Lucy Norman & Charlotte Bedford 213 36 35.50 -329.8 27 -54.97 128 27 21.33 135 27 22.50 -54 18 -9.00 92.2 135 15.37
9 Claire Robinson & Sara Moran -17 36 -2.83 182.8 27 30.47 75 27 12.50 -216 27 -36.00 19 18 3.17 43.8 135 7.30
10 Heather Dhondy & Maggie Knottenbelt 230 36 38.33 -52.8 27 -8.80 -189 27 -31.50 -4 27 -0.67 55 18 9.17 39.2 135 6.53
11 Sarah Teshome & Catherine Jagger -148 36 -24.67 -308.7 27 -51.45 273 27 45.50 -56 27 -9.33 79 18 13.17 -160.7 135 -26.78
12 Tracy Capal & Catherine Seale -208 36 -34.67 -303.7 27 -50.62 -69 27 -11.50 89 27 14.83 163 18 27.17 -328.7 135 -54.78
13 Kath Stynes & Debbie Sandford -236 36 -39.33 203.3 27 33.88 -152 27 -25.33 -223 27 -37.17 -37 18 -6.17 -444.7 135 -74.12
14 Sue Johnson & India Leeming -166 36 -27.67 -81.3 27 -13.55 -303 27 -50.50 70 27 11.67 34 18 5.67 -446.3 135 -74.38
15 Venetia Anoyrkatis & Sally Anoyrkatis -125 36 -20.83 -306.3 27 -51.05 126 27 21.00 -14 27 -2.33 -192 18 -32.00 -511.3 135 -85.22
16 Raphaela Sinclair & Dido Coley -316 36 -52.67 -179.6 27 -29.93 -230 27 -38.33 -115 27 -19.17 -261 18 -43.50 -1101.6 135 -183.60