Tessa Templeton

We are sad to report the death of Tessa Templeton on 25th May, following battle with a long illness.

From Bev Purivs:

The EBU was saddened to learn of the recent passing of Tessa Templeton. Tessa‘s eponymous bridge club in Bucks. grew in just 10 years from a class of bridge students to a thriving bridge club with over a thousand members. Tessa’s aim was to run ‘the friendliest bridge club anywhere’ and this proved to be a winning formula. Whilst Tessa often said that her club’s success was down to a top-notch tea, her members would disagree. They know that it was due to Tessa’s warm and caring nature, her hard work and her determination to maintain the friendly ethos of the club as it grew. Tessa will be sorely missed by her husband David, her family and every member of Tessa Templeton’s School of Bridge. 

May 28, 2021