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EBED seeks a new Chief Executive

Following the announcement that Mark Humphris is to step down, we invite applicants for the vacant position of chief executive. Details of the job can be found here Please send your cv and a...

New CEO to be Appointed at EBED

Following changes in his private circumstances Mark Humphris has decided to bring forward by some months the date he had planned to step back from his role and will be leaving EBED later this...

Message from Adrian Darnell (EBU Chair)

I thought it would be a good idea to introduce myself as the new EBU Chair. For those who don’t know, Ian Payn has been the EBU Chair for last 4 years, and I succeeded him some two weeks ago. I...

Summer Junior Bridge Camp

The recent EBED youth camp saw 72 youngsters from all parts of the country, ranging from 7 to 20 years of age descend on the Pioneer Centre in Northampton. This was the largest number of students...

2023 Summer Junior Bridge Camp

Round-up your children/grandchildren/friends' of your children and bring them along to the Summer Junior Bridge Camp! The Summer Junior Bridge Camp is suitable for children ages 8 - 21, taking...